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Remembering who we are seems at times like a coming home -- Rev. Dr. Roxie Hart explored our journey home. Our lives, here in this physical Earth plane, seem so real; yet they are the illusionary experiences that inspire our expansion. When we feel loved and safe, we are already home... we become One with the Love Everywhere.


“The Journey Home” was written for Rev. Dr. Roxie Hart’s service on 10-2-05 at Shiloh and modified for Shiloh Guest Speaker Jana Zunich-McDonald, A Global Heart Practitioner 12-17-06

Talk Title: “The Journey Home” 10-2-05
“Journey home, sanctuary, leaving the pain behind as we move gently into Spirit.” – Rev. Dr. Roxie Hart

Talk Title: “Building your House of Prayer” 12-17-06
“Metaphors: building a foundation, raising the walls and making a house of prayer within your heart; creating a dwelling place for God where we are always in perfect communion. Once the house is built, it transforms into a mansion (great home) where we court the beloved.” – Jana Zunich-McDonald

I’m heading home, it’s my place, Moving into Spirit
I know I’m safe, I know I’m loved, Moving into Spirit
The pain is past, the here is now, Moving into Spirit
I’m going fast, I’m going slow, Moving into Spirit
The love is here, the love is there
The love is everywhere, Moving into Spirit. . .